3 Steps to Closing your Inground Pool in LBI

 In Hardscaping, Pool Management

Unfortunately summer is starting to wind down and those of us with an inground pool in LBI need to start thinking about preparation for colder weather. With a month still left of summer, you water lovers out there still have some time to continue basking in the sun. But there are a few supplies you could buy ahead of time, so you’re not scrambling come mid-September. Although closing up an inground pool can be a bit of a process, it makes the re-opening come the next May much easier.

Ensure Proper Water Chemistry

You want to close your pool, just like you want to open it-- with a proper pH and chlorine level. It’s easy to test the pH of your pool with testing strips you can purchase at your local pool or landscaping store. The level should be between 7.2 and 7.6. The alkalinity levels and calcium levels should also be checked. If you don’t feel comfortable checking and adjusting yourself, don’t hesitate to call a professional to help with any of your pool needs.

After getting your pH and other levels in the right range, shock your inground pool in LBI with chlorine. This will ensure no bacteria has been left behind. Once your chlorine levels have returned to a normal level, which takes no more than three days, add an algaecide to your pool, so that growth will be prevented over the winter season.

ingrained pool in LBI


Give your Pool a Thorough Scrub- Down

All pumps, filters, baskets, and anything else in your pool needs to be cleaned off and removed from the pool. They should then be dried and stored properly so no mildew has the opportunity of forming. Now you should be left with an inground pool that has clear water and nothing else left in it. Be sure to skim the surface of the pool one last time for any remaining insects, leaves, dirt, etc. If you really want to be cautious, it would be who of you to use a pool vacuum along the bottom surface of the pool as well. You never know what could be down there! Especially in a deep end. Keeping the process more thorough now, will only make it easier to open the pool next May. You won’t have to prepare yourself for any hidden surprises that could have potentially fouled up your pool over the eight months.

inground pool in LBI

Cover it Up

The last and final step is key-- put the best cover on your inground pool in LBI. The cover should fit tightly to ensure that no leaves or animals can slip by into the water over the course of the fall and winter. The cover should be of a durable material and fit to your pool size. Depending on what pool cover you choose, your level of water will have to be lowered a bit. For solid covers, less water needs to be let out.
Allowing your inground pool in LBI to stay opened and uncared for throughout the off season can be very hurtful to the health of your pool and to the value and well-being of your home. Take pride in what you call your own and remember you’ll be looking at this pool all year long, not just in the summer time. So keep it looking pristine. Maintaining correct water levels and chemical balances can sometimes be a difficult and even frustrating process, so don’t hesitate to save some time and hire a professional who can get the job done right the first time. Contact us today at David Ash for some inground pool services and advice!

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