Landscape Design Can Enhance Realtor Services

 In Landscaping, Outdoor Living Area, Realtor Services

When selling a house, there are always things that need to be repaired or spruced up to attract buyers. There are many componets to realtor services. Realtors will work with homeowners and advise them as to what they need to do to get their house ready to be sold. While we often hear the term “curb appeal,” many times the benefits of landscaping are minimized to the basics with most of the focus on the home itself and the interior.

Realtors sometimes even work with interior designers or professional stagers to prepare a house to go on the market. They should also consider working with a professional landscape designer as well - not just for basic landscaping services, but to create an outdoor living space or enhance an existing outdoor space that will grab a buyer’s attention and increase the chances of getting the house sold quickly.

Landscape Design Companies NJ

Outdoor Living Spaces

Outdoor living is no longer just a fad or a trend. In many areas of the country, and especially here at the shore, outdoor living is a way of life. It has evolved into something more than just some nice lawn furniture and a few pretty plants.

While kitchens and bathrooms will probably always be at the top of the list when it comes the features that are most important to prospective home buyers, outdoor living spaces are working their way up the list.

Create an Outdoor Living Space, Create Value

Anything that adds value to a house makes the realtors job that much easier. If the home being sold doesn’t have an outdoor living space, the realtor may suggest that the homeowners add one. In weighing the expenses of preparing a house for sale, homeowners typically want to spend as little as possible and they want to invest in features that will attract buyers the most.

If the house currently has no outdoor living space, the realtor may want to suggest that the homeowners consider adding one. The addition of an outdoor living space is almost like adding an extra room onto your house.

Naturally, if the house is being sold, the homeowners may not want to pull out all the stops when adding that outdoor space, but even a moderate investment can make provide great feature and added value when selling the home.

Upgrade an Existing Outdoor Space

Just like any other room in the house, an existing outdoor space is probably in need of an upgrade. The realtor may want suggest that the homeowners refurbish the existing space or add a new feature to give it that “WOW” factor.

A landscape designer can look at their existing space, see the possibilities and help the homeowner decide which type of feature will enhance both the appearance and value of the space while giving them the best return on their investment.

The wisest investment is to add a feature that will complement what is already there. If the outdoor living space has a pool, the homeowners might want to add an outdoor shower. Or they might want to consider adding a fire pit to their hardscape or patio to add warmth, light and extend the amount of time spent entertaining and enjoying the outdoor space.

Landscape Design can Enhance Realtor Services

Realtor Services and Landscaping Design Partnerships

Realtors frequently partner with other professionals with great results. In partnering with a professional landscape designer, both the realtor and homeowners will benefit. The realtor will be able to attract buyers and offer them a home with additional value when showcasing the beautiful outdoor living space. The result will be more potential buyers and a quicker sale, making everyone happy.

With over three decades of experience, David Ash Jr Landscaping Contractors can collaborate with realtors and homeowners to provide a landscape or outdoor living space the will delight potential buyers and help to facilitate a quick and profitable sale. With over three decades of experience, we offer a full line of landscaping services and are South Jersey’s premier landscaping contractor. Contact us today.

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