Property Management Services – Complete Care for Your Home

 In Property Management

With today’s busy lifestyles, keeping up with with the routine care and maintenance of your home can be a struggle. Not only that but the time it takes to do it could be spent on more enjoyable activities with family and friends. What about your summer home at the shore? Closing and opening it every season can be a daunting task and then there are security concerns while it is empty. Wouldn’t it be great if someone could take care of all that and you could just sit back and, relax, knowing everything is taken care of? It might be time to consider property management services.

Routine Maintenance

After a long week at work or hours in traffic trying to get to the shore, do you really feel like spending a chunk of your weekend taking care of your landscaping? Of course not, you're ready to kick back and relax.

Property Management Services - Complete Care for Your Home


A primary concern of property management services is taking care of routine maintenance and keeping your property looking beautiful.  Hiring a property management company to handle your landscape maintenance will avoid an overgrown lawn or dying flower beds because you were exhausted or just too busy. Weekly landscaping including mowing the grass, planting and irrigation can keep your landscape at its best.

There is also the cleaning and weekly maintenance of the pool to keep up with. Done regularly, it will always be ready for your next swim or that impromptu pool party. A property management service will keep the pool maintenance on schedule as well.

Seasonal Services and Security

Everyone hates to see the summer end, but for those with a summer home at the shore, it brings more than just cooler weather. It means closing up and securing their summer home for the long winter.

Water lines have to be drained and the water turned off. The heating system needs to be in working order to prevent any damage from freezing. All outdoor furniture needs to be stored and the pool needs to be closed. Any repairs that could compromise the safety and security of your home need to be completed.

It’s a lot of work and then there is concern over the security of your home while you’re away. What if there’s a storm, or a worse, a break in? Besides the damage or loss of personal property, you can’t get there right away, leaving your home vulnerable.

A property management company can provide all the necessary services and repairs to get your ready for winter as well as to open it back up and have it ready for next summer. They can also be on site quickly and secure you home after a storm or break in until you can get there. Or if your home sustained no damage and is secure, they can notify you, providing peace of mind and saving you an unnecessary trip.

Construction, Renovation, and Repairs

Most property management services offer various construction services from basic repairs to home improvements and renovations. Inside and outside your home, they can provide carpentry, masonry, and painting.

Once you have established a relationship with a trustworthy property management company, repairs and renovation can be done in a summer home during the off season. This will allow you to avoid living with the mess and chaos of construction, nor will you or your family impede the construction process.

Errand and Event Services

Some property management services even offer convenient concierge-like services. Do you have a delivery coming and can’t be home when it gets there? Or are you planning on heading to the shore for the weekend and don’t feel like hauling all the groceries you’ll need? A complete property management service can receive and secure your delivery and make sure the refrigerator is stocked with everything you need.

Planning on having one last big summer bash? You want to go all out and make it really special with extra outdoor lighting, temporary canopies or tents and maybe even have it catered. A full-service property management company can handle all the arrangements and supervise set up of the lighting and temporary structures.

LBI Seasonal Property Management


Ready for Property Management Services?

David Ash Contractors provides complete Property and Construction Management. We tailor our services to custom fit our client's individual needs. We are trustworthy, dependable and we deliver quality service that keeps our clients returning to us for all their household needs. It’s our job to maintain and secure the environment we helped you build. We provide the personal touch clients desire, every time. Contact us for complete property management services.

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