Pool Installation – Why Late Summer Can Be the Perfect Time

 In Fiberglass Pools, Gunite Pools, Pool Design, Pool Installation

You've finally decided you're ready to add a pool to your backyard. However, with the summer season winding down, you may think it's too late for pool installation. We understand why you might think that, but late summer is actually a great time to get a new pool. Check out all the advantages of end-of-the-season pool installation.

The Rush is Over

If you think it would be better to wait until next spring to have your new pool installed, you might want to reconsider. Spring and summer are the busiest times of year for pool installation contractors. As soon as the temperature begins to rise, everyone is trying to schedule the construction of their new pool. If you don't call early enough in the season, you could find yourself waiting until mid-summer before construction begins.

Pool installation contractors aren't as busy as summer draws to an end. If you have your pool installed after the rush is over, you won't be waiting months for construction to be done. The project will get started and completed quicker.

 lbi swimming pools

Better Weather Conditions

Although the temperatures may be mild, spring tends to be rainy. Too much rain will make the ground soft and excavation difficult. It can often delay construction, especially if you have a gunite pool installed. Gunite is a highly pressurized mixture of sand, water, and cement that is applied over the top of a steel grid to form the floor and walls of the pool. If there is steady rain, the gunite can not be applied until the rain stops, holding up pool installation. 

Tiling and coping also require a dry surface for proper installation. As with any construction, there are inspections that can’t take place in the rain either. While late summer pool installation isn’t a guarantee there will be no delays, the chances for fewer weather-related delays are much better.


Dewatering is a necessary part of the pool installation process that removes water from the foundation pit if it is below the groundwater table. In some shore areas, dewatering can’t be done during the spring and summer months. On LBI, both Barnegat Light and  Beach Haven fall into this category making end-of-the-season pool installation the perfect option.

Landscape Restoration

No matter how careful your pool installation contractor is, there is bound to be some disruption to the surrounding landscape. From transporting the equipment and materials to the excavation, the area leading to and around the pool will have to be replanted and landscaped. We typically think of spring as the best time for planting. However, late summer and fall are also good times for planting trees, shrubs, and perennials, leaving plenty of time for their root systems to establish before winter arrives.

Be Ready for Next Season

Next summer when everyone is frantically trying to get their pool installation scheduled, yours will be done. With the construction behind you, you will be able to enjoy a stress-free summer of swimming, relaxing by the pool, and taking in the beauty of your rejuvenated landscape.

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What About This Year?

We get it. Once your pool installation is done you want to dive right in. So, will you get to swim in your pool this year? Maybe - maybe not. It depends on how late in the season it is when your pool is completed. If the temperature is still warm enough or your new pool is heated, you may be able to enjoy it for a few weeks before you have to close it for the season.  

Pool Installation Professionals on LBI

Are you considering installing a fiberglass or gunite pool on LBI? David Ash Jr Landscaping Contractors can handle the project from design to completion, providing you with a backyard oasis you’ll love. In addition to design and installation, we also offer ongoing pool and landscape maintenance. If you’re ready for pool installation, contact us today to schedule a design consultation. 


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