Warm Up Your Outdoor Living This Spring with Landscape Lighting

 In Landscape Design, Landscape Lighting

When planning an outdoor living space, you can envision the cookouts and lazy days by the pool. But what about after the sun goes down? It doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Whether you want to keep the party going or just enjoy a relaxing evening swim, landscape lighting can help you make the most of outdoor living.

Landscape Lighting Styles

There are various styles of landscape lighting. Each serves a different purpose or creates a different effect.

Up Lights

This type of lighting is installed at ground level and pointed upward to illuminate a particular feature of your home or landscape. It can highlight your home’s architecture, fencing, plants or trees. When illuminating a freestanding item such as a tree or a fountain, uplighting can create a shadow effect.

Down Lights

Down lighting offers both aesthetic and practical benefits. Mounted in an elevated location to shine down, it can mimic the effect of natural moonlight on your landscape. When down lights are hung above a specific spot such as the grill or an outdoor lounge area they serve a more practical purpose.

Landscape Lighting LBI

Path Lights

As the name suggests, path lights illuminate walkways so you can safely navigate your landscape during evening hours. This type of lighting can also be used to define landscape edges and enhance the ambiance of your outdoor space.

Wall Lights

Wall lights are mounted to your home or outdoor features like gazebos or fences. They provide many of the same features and effects as other types of outdoor lighting from safety to aesthetics.

Benefits of Landscape Lighting

While some may look at a landscape lighting system as a luxury, it is pretty much a necessity if you truly embrace outdoor living and the seashore lifestyle on LBI.

Extend Outdoor Living

Once you’ve created the outdoor living space of your dreams, you’ll want to spend as much time in it as possible. So when it is still in the planning stages, be sure to have landscape lighting included in the design. From a dip in the pool after sunset to whipping up a late night snack on the grill, lighting will allow you to stay outside as long as you like.

Safety and Security

One of the best things about outdoor living is entertaining. Safety is always a concern when entertaining, especially after dark. Landscape lighting lets you enjoy hanging out with friends and family after the sun goes down without worry. Pathway lighting can welcome you home and add an extra layer of security. Thieves and those with ill intent tend to remain in the shadows. Landscape lighting will leave them with no place to hide and encourage them to move on.

Increase Property Value

While the thought may not have even occurred to you, sometime in the future you may consider selling your home. A well-designed landscape lighting system can increase the value of your property. Prospective buyers will view it as a feature that they won’t have to add themselves. Any feature that already exists in a home is always a plus for potential buyers.

Nightscaping LBI

Professional Landscape Lighting Design

A landscape lighting professional will assess your outdoor space and help you choose the perfect combination of outdoor lighting styles to suit your needs. The focus of the lighting should be on the landscape and the architecture, not on the lighting itself. Unless it is decorative lighting, the fixtures should be subtle. Frosted glass on decorative fixtures and low wattage bulbs will create a warm ambiance. A well-executed design can create outdoor lighting that will keep you safe while enhancing your outdoor living.

Whether you're designing a new outdoor living space or upgrading an existing one, be sure to include landscape lighting. David Ash Jr. Landscaping Contractors are lighting experts and can design a system that will be the perfect complement to your outdoor living space. We use only top quality, premier lighting solutions from companies like FXLuminaire. Schedule a consultation today and stay outside longer.


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