Beach Landscape Design – The Benefits of Using Native Plants

 In Beach Landscaping, Landscape Design

Considering which flowers and plants you’d like to include in your beach landscape design? Incorporating native plants is a good idea for any landscape, but it is especially important when designing a beach landscape. Here at the Jersey Shore, using native plants in your beach landscape design offers benefits for the local wildlife and the environment as well as the homeowner.

Beach Landscapers LBI

Complement Natural Surroundings

Beach dwellers are attracted to the seashore because of its unique beauty. Properly executed, beach landscape design enhances the beauty of your shore home and outdoor living space. Much like with interior design, your landscape should blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. While your favorite flowers might be what you had in mind, non-native plants can end up sticking out like a sore thumb, disrupting the natural flow of your landscape. Plants native to the shore will help you to create a backyard oasis with a natural beachy vibe.

Endure the Elements

Native plants have evolved and adapted to the seashore environment. Not only are they are better able to endure the sometimes harsh conditions and sandy soil, they thrive in it. Over time they have developed natural defenses against the elements, animals, and insects of the region. Using native plants in your beach landscape design can help to avoid constant replanting. Non-native plants will not have the same tolerance. They will often not survive and need to be replaced.

Support Wildlife

Part of the region's natural habitat, native plants provide food and shelter for local wildlife. Tucked in among the vegetation, nesting sites can be secluded, providing safety and security for new offspring. Native plants are a staple in the diets of local wildlife, including beneficial insects, pollinators, and native birds making them a vital component of the ecosystem.

Preserve the Environment

Because of their adaptation to the environment, native plants also help preserve it. Beach dwellers are all too familiar with the issue of erosion at the shore. The growth of healthy native plants create a buffer from wind, rain and salt spray and help hold the soil in place. Because of their adaptation, native plants require less fertilizer than non-native plants. This can significantly reduce the amount of pesticides in the soil which water runoff can carry into local waters. 

Reduce Maintenance

In addition to the aesthetic and environmental benefits, using native plants in beach landscape design can save time and money as well. Native plants can better withstand the sometimes extreme weather conditions. This eliminates the cost of constant replanting and the time it takes to do it. The need for less fertilizer also reduces the cost of maintaining a beach landscape.

The best part of living at the shore is being able to relax and enjoy its natural beauty. With minimal maintenance, reduced cost and helping to protect the seashore environment, using native plants is typically the best option for beach landscaping.

Beach Landscape Design NJ

Beach Landscape Design Experts

Not sure which native plants are best for your landscape? Our beach landscape design experts understand that plant life near the sea requires a more delicate service from landscaping contractors.

Built upon the principles of exceptional service, unequaled design and skilled craftsmanship, David Ash Jr., Landscape Contractors create elegant, sophisticated outdoor environments for residents and businesses in and around Long Beach Island, NJ.

We know our plant life, and we know the New Jersey environments. Our goal is to provide your landscape with premiere planting. In addition to beautifying your landscape, we select quality seashore plantings to sustainably thrive in the windy, salty LBI bay environment.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation

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