Landscape Lighting Design – Warm Up your Home This Winter

 In Landscape Lighting

While there are many things to enjoy about winter, the short days and long dark nights aren’t among them. We’ve all experienced the winter doldrums when it’s dark before you even get home to have dinner. Inside you turn on the lights and get the fire going but what about the outside of your home? Landscape lighting design can brighten up your home all year long but especially in the winter.

If you’ve been thinking about adding some outdoor lighting, now is the perfect time with daylight savings time kicking in and the dark, cold winter nights right around the corner. While landscape lighting design may not provide much in the way of physical warmth, the aesthetic aspect it provides will not only make your home appear warm and welcoming, it will make it safer and more secure as well.


Probably the most obvious benefit of landscape lighting design is that it enhances and highlights the aesthetics and architectural features of your home. When driving down the street, a house that is illuminated will be more attractive than a house that isn’t, even if that house is more attractive in the daylight. Outdoor lighting creates a warm and inviting ambiance for your home.

Outdoor lighting lbi

Lighting adds dimension to outdoor spaces at night. A well executed landscape lighting design can illuminate trees, plants and architectural elements of your home. This will allow you to look out your window and enjoy your landscape even on a cold dark winter night.

When it snows, your landscape can be almost magical if properly illuminated. Sitting by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate watching the light glisten off the yet untouched snow can make for an enjoyable evening. Landscape lighting design can add a touch of artistry to your home.


Safety for both your family and those who come to visit is an important concern. Your landscape, though beautiful by day can become a scary and dangerous place in the dark. Simple things like taking out the trash or walking to the car be hazardous without proper outdoor lighting. You could easily trip over something or slip on a patch of ice because you couldn’t see it.

Winter also brings with it the holiday season. There will be all sort of gathering and celebrations, some being hosted in your home. You don’t want your guests arriving to find a barely visible sidewalk leading to a dimly lit front door. Beside not falling into the category of a warm welcome, it could be dangerous.

During the holiday season, guests often arrive with their hands full, rushing to get in out of the cold and join the party. All that along with an unlit pathway could be a recipe for disaster. Landscape lighting will not only provide your guest with a warm welcome, it will keep them safe.

Landscape Lighting LBI


Landscape lighting can also add an extra layer of security to your home. Intruders are typically looking for a home they can approach under the cover of darkness. Landscape lighting strategically designed to illuminate entryways and windows will make it almost impossible for a would-be burglar to get into your home unnoticed.

This outdoor illumination can be beneficial when no one is home, creating the illusion that the house is occupied. Almost every yard has at least one area that is pitch black at night. When planning out your landscape lighting design, make sure those habitually dark areas are illuminated, eliminating any hiding spots.

You will feel better when coming home at night if your home is illuminated and you’re not concerned that someone may be lurking in the shadows. Motion detectors can also be added to landscape lighting which can alert you to activity outside your home or trigger additional lighting when you arrive home in the evening.

Landscape Lighting Design Professionals

If you're considering landscape lighting in LBI, NJ, look no further. Built upon the principles of exceptional service, unequaled design and skilled craftsmanship, David Ash Jr., Landscape Contractors creates elegant, sophisticated outdoor environments for residents and businesses in and around Long Beach Island, NJ. When it comes to lighting as well as any other landscaping or property management service, we can handle it all. Just let us know what you need.

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