Planning with a Landscape Architect – The Benefits of 3D Design

 In 3D Landscape Design, Landscaping, Outdoor Living Area

Redesigning your landscape or creating a new outdoor living space can be a large project. There are so many things to consider and details to keep track of; it can be easy to try to incorporate too many features or forget to include something you really wanted. Like any other large home improvement project, it’s usually best to enlist the help of a professional. Especially here at the Jersey shore, a NJ landscape architect can help you plan out your project in a way that brings your vision to life and blends perfectly with the seashore environment.

One of the biggest concerns with any type of project is the end result. What if when it’s all finished it isn’t quite what you imagined? Wouldn’t you like to know, before you invest all that time and money, that you're going to love your new landscaping? 3D landscape design allows you to see what it will look like before the project begins.

Traditional Design Plans

It can be very difficult to visualize and truly understand what your finished project will look like with traditional 2D plans or drawings. While they will present a general idea of the design, they lack the dimension and detail of 3D landscape design.

LBI Landscape Architect

For example, if your landscape has different levels and you want a pool on one level and an outdoor kitchen on another, 3D design will make it simple to see which area is best for each feature. Knowing exactly how it will look and how each design element complements the others will allow you to be confident in your decisions.

Designs Often Change

From your initial consultation with a NJ landscape architect to the final design, the discussions the two of you have will cause your design choices to evolve. With 3D design you will be able to get a very realistic view of those changes in real time and make sure no detail is missed. This way there is no doubt that the changes you’ve decided on are good choices for your landscape design.

Reduce Changes During Construction

Changing your landscape design plan once construction starts will cost you extra time and money. It can often mean removing a feature out, relocating it or adding a new one. This slows construction and increases labor cost. It also will push back your project completion date. If you’re planning to have your new outdoor living space done in time to host your daughter’s engagement party or your son’s graduation celebration, last minute design changes could keep that from happening.

3D design allows you to really see and understand what your new outdoor space will look and feel like. This reduces changes during construction which can help save time and money.

Mutually Beneficial Process

Utilizing 3D design streamlines the process for both the client and the landscape architect. 3D design is a fast and efficient way to be involved in every part of the design process. This lets the architect show you exactly how your project will turn out as well as allow them to clearly introduce new ideas that hadn’t occurred to you. The 3D process will make it easier for to make an informed decision on which design features will create the perfect outdoor space for you.

LBI Landscape Architect


NJ Landscape Architect Planning

While 3D landscape design is a great tool for planning your new outdoor space, there is no substitute for having an experienced landscape architect leading your project, especially if there are permits involved.

At David Ash Jr. Landscaping Contractors, we believe the ideal landscape is a blend of your vision, property layout, and lifestyle objectives—so we take the time to understand each of these. We work with you to plan every aspect of your new landscape and use 3D mapping to preview and plan your ideas.

We offer premier landscaping design and construction services as well as property management and maintenance. If you're ready to bring your new outdoor space to life, so are we. Let’s collaborate!


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