Hardscapes in Winter – The Perfect Time to Install Durable Designs

 In Hardscape Design, Hardscaping

Now that fall is in full swing and winter is just around the corner, homeowners or businesses considering a hardscaping project may be thinking they will have to wait until spring, but that’s not the case. Fall and winter can actually be the perfect time to install hardscapes. This time of year can offer a few advantages you might not have during the warmer weather.

Reduced Landscape Disruption

When embarking on a hardscape project, one of the chief concerns of homeowners is the potential damage to their landscape. Be it the lush green grass, perennial foliage, saplings, or mature trees – the thought of harming them can be unsettling. However, during the winter, most living elements on your property are dormant. 

How does that help when installing hardscapes? When grass is in it’s dormant state it becomes hardier and better able to survive the activity of installing hardscaping. The tree branches are bare making it easier to navigate around them and reducing the possibility of breaking any of them while transporting and maneuvering materials or machinery.


Increased Availability

It’s no secret that spring and summer are the busy season for landscape design companies. Trying to schedule a hardscaping project then, may result in a bit of a wait as their crews will be working on multiple projects at the same time. Once the busy season is over, landscaping design teams are more readily available to take on new projects and the timeline for those projects may be shorter. With more hands on deck, a project that might take weeks in the summer could be completed in a matter of days in winter. The dormant state of your lawn, gardens, and trees reduces the obstacles to be worked around, speeding up the process.

Up Your Curb Appeal

Whether you are a home or business owner, your property probably sees increased traffic during the holiday season. By Installing hardscaping in the fall or early winter, you will provide visitors and customers with an exterior view that rivals your indoor holiday decor. Hardscapes, with their crisp lines and defined structures, add an element of sophistication to any property. Whether it’s a pristine walkway, an intricate patio, or a well-structured fire pit - these durable designs are sure to elevate the visual appeal of your space. Plus, investing in quality hardscaping will also help to increase your property value.

Be Ready For Spring

Spring is a season of rejuvenation and outdoor activities. Instead of turning your landscape into a construction zone with a springtime hardscaping project, imagine kicking off the season with the project already completed! By choosing to install your hardscapes in fall and winter, you're setting yourself up for uninterrupted spring and summer activities. Once the first bloom appears, your property will be primed for barbecues, sunbathing, or for businesses, increased customer traffic.

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Professional Hardscapes on LBI

For the homeowners and businesses on LBI, everything slows down on the island when summer ends and temperatures begin to drop. This makes it the perfect time for any type of home or business improvement project, including hardscapes.

Taking care to assess the visual and functional influence of each design element, David Ash, Jr. Landscape Contractors will work with you to select hardscape features that complement your property and enhance your curb appeal. 

We have over 20 years of experience designing stunning hardscapes on LBI and the surrounding areas. Your project begins with a commissioned consultation. With our 3D design system, you will be able to see exactly how your new hardscape will look before we even break ground. Why wait? Book your consultation today! 


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