4 Steps to End of Summer Landscaping in Manahawkin NJ

 In Landscaping

As much as the Jersey Shore hates to admit it, summer is coming to a close and it's time for end of season landscaping in Manahawkin, NJ. With three weeks left of local summer, it’s time to start thinking about the coming autumn and even winter. It’s time to start bringing sweaters down from the attic and boots out from the closet. It’s also time to start getting your front and backyard ready for the drop in temperature that we all know is going to come. It’s time to start pruning, snipping, and cleaning up! Here are four steps to get your yard ready for fall.

1.  Clean up your Yard

One plus to the coming cooler temperatures is that the grass won’t have to be cut too many more times. So get your last cuts in in these warm weeks ahead and take some time to water your grass as well. Landscaping in Manahawkin has been a bit tougher lately because of the lack of rain. The grass is drying up and turning brown, which is somewhat of a negative aesthetically and healthwise to your grass. It’s also a good idea to try some high-nitrogen fertilizer in the fall, so that your grass is ready to go in the spring. Seeding certain patchy parts of your yard is also a good landscaping step to take in the fall.

2. Trim Trees/Shrubs

It’s important to get a jump on landscaping in Manahawkin prior to the falling of leaves. If you take the time yourself or hire a company to landscape for you, it’s essential to prune and trim both the trees in your yard and the bushes surrounding your home. It looks neat and tidy and is a way to prevent having to rake so many leaves! If you prune your trees and get rid of some of the unsightly branches and leaves ahead of time, you’ll be prepared and ready for the coming fall season. And it’s just a nice way to end the summer. Your trees and shrubs will not be growing over the course of the colder months, so pruning and trimming is really getting them ready for a great beginning next spring. It feels good to take pride in the exterior of your house, so whether you want to take on the responsibility yourself, or hire someone to, make sure to think a bit about your landscaping around your Manahawkin home.

landscaping in Manahawkin

3. Clean out your Garden

Some homeowners go above and beyond simply having a yard and a couple of shrubs. For those of you who took the time to create a garden, whether it’s of vegetables or flowers, it’s important to now take the time to clean the garden out. There’s no need to prematurely take anything out of the ground, but as you see flowers shriveling up in a couple weeks and your vines not giving you any more tomatoes, go ahead and pull out the dead plants and rake your garden for a fresh, new start come spring.

landscaping in Manahawkin

4. Plant Fall Flowers

For those of you who can’t stand not having any flowers around in the fall and winter, here are a few plants you could choose to plant that will endure some harsher temperatures. Mums and marigolds are great choices because they can endure some of the frost and cooler temperatures and they come in beautiful fall colors of red and gold.
Landscaping in Manahawkin doesn’t end once summer is over. It’s a continuous process all year long. The steps you take now will only help you in the coming months. For those of you who would like some assistance or even just some advice on fall landscaping, Contact us at David Ash today!

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