Seasonal Home Maintenance – Property Management in LBI

 In Property Management

A seasonal home is a great place for you and your family to enjoy the lazy days of summer or enjoy a weekend getaway in the off season. While it brings a lot of pleasure, a seasonal home can also be a source of concern. More often than not, a seasonal home is vacant more than it is occupied. Winter weather can be rough on your home. Heaters can break, pipes can freeze or a storm could cause damage to your home. All these can cause costly damage in a home that is vacant, especially if left unresolved. Hiring a property management company for seasonal home maintenance can provide peace of mind in your absence.

Seasonal Home Maintenance - Property Management in LBI

The Long Winter

Many vacation homes like those here on the Jersey Shore sit vacant eight to nine months a year. That’s a long time for a house to be vacant and the winters here can sometimes be very harsh.

The first thing to be concerned about with an empty house is climate control. There’s no need for the heat to be blasting if the temperature is mild, but it will need to be turned up as the temperature drops. Seasonal home maintenance services typically include routine walk throughs and temperature checks to make sure a constant and appropriate temperature is maintained.

Sudden storms can cause damage to your seasonal home that will need to be addressed in your absence. Strong winds can cause tree branches to break off and damage the roof of your home, break a window, take down gutters or even power lines.

All of these scenarios bring with them a myriad of problems that need to be dealt with immediately. Back at your year-round residence, you are probably at least a few hours away in good weather. Severe weather could make the trip not only hazardous but nearly impossible.

Hiring a property management company that is based in the local vicinity of your seasonal home can prevent the occurrence of further damage from extreme temperatures and exposure to the elements. This will not only save you from the cost of repairing more severe damage but from the hazards traveling in the storm or trying to arrange for the repairs remotely.

The Unexpected Weekend Getaway

While damage and repairs are often unexpected, the opportunity to getaway for a few days can be as well. The chance to spend an unexpected weekend at the shore in the off season is something you won’t want to pass up.

You only have two or three days, do really want to spend any of it waiting for the house to warm up or shopping for food and other necessities? Probably not. Seasonal home maintenance can help make the short stay more relaxing and enjoyable. The heat can be turned up just enough to take the chill out of the house and the fridge can be stocked with all your favorites.

A Sense of Security

A home that is unkempt with no activity is almost like an invitation, making it a target for break-ins. If the landscaping is being done, necessary repairs are being made and people are seen going in and out of your home, it may not appear vacant. Would be intruders might just pass it by.  

Bad weather, storm damage or power failures can all cause your home alarm system to go off. Whether you are alerted by a smart home security system or call from the local police department, you are still too far away to do anything right away. While a smart home system may allow you to reset the alarm remotely, your home should be inspected for damage and secured immediately.

Entrusting your seasonal home maintenance and security to a reputable property management company will give you a sense of security and keep you informed in the case of storm damage or a break-in.

Seasonal Home Maintenance - Property Management in LBI


Think Seasonal Home Maintenance Services are Too Costly?

It’s true. Hiring a property management company to take care of your seasonal home during your absence will be more expensive than having your neighbor look in on it from time to time or just waiting until your next visit, hoping everything will be okay.

The expense of seasonal home maintenance is money well spent. In addition to monitoring your home and taking the necessary steps to protect it, a property management company can save you money in the long run as well as the aggravation of traveling back and forth to take care of it yourself.

Seasonal Home Maintenance on LBI

David Ash Contractors provides complete Property and Construction Management. We tailor our services to custom fit our client's individual needs. We are trustworthy, dependable and we deliver quality service that keeps our clients returning to us for all their household needs. We provide the personal touch clients desire, every time. Contact us for complete property management services.


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