Outdoor Living Spaces: More Than a Backyard

 In Landscaping, Outdoor Living Area

You want more than a lawn, more than a just flower bad. All outdoor living spaces should be an oasis that provides refuge, a pleasant contrast to the demands of daily life.  It should be inviting, encourage gatherings of friends and family, a place where memories are made.

Your Dream

Your front yard is the first thing your guests see. This first impression is a reflection of you, your pride in your home and in your neighborhood. Quality landscaping combined with a bit of creative carpentry such as a trellis or bench will make this first impression not only a lasting but full of warmth and invitation.

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Now that your guests have been properly welcomed, escort them out to your backyard because this is where the magic happens! Just picture it……the sunlight has just begun to fade. You can smell steaks on the grill while ice cubes clink in cocktail glasses. Family and friends gather and the meal preparation becomes a group activity, full of lively conversation and laughter. After dinner is finished and dusk has arrived, the air cools. No worries…..that doesn’t mean the party’s over. There is warmth from the fire pit and subtle path lighting set against a soothing backdrop of cascading water in the fountain. What could be better?

Wait just one minute, this is a fantasy, right? Of course, it is because you’re standing there with three wobbly lawn chairs, an ancient hibachi, a beat up ice chest and a couple of citronella candles wondering where everybody went.

But it doesn’t have to be a fantasy. With knowledge and guidance of a professional landscape designer, you can have the outdoor living spaces of your dreams. You can keep it conservative and low key or you can pull out the stops, it’s really up to you. Anything is possible!

Make It a Reality

It’s not just about planting flowers, mowing lawns and trimming shrubs. A professional landscape designer can walk you through the process from beginning to end, bringing your fantasy to life.

They will begin with the landscape design which of course, includes plants, trees and shrubs bit it’s so much more than that. The hardscape is considered by many to be the foundation of your outdoor living space. You can choose from a variety of different pavers to create your patio or you may opt to have a deck built. Your landscape design will help you pick the option that is best for you.

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From there you need to decide how you want to accessorize your space. Do you want to keep it simple? Maybe a bar with a mini fridge, a nice gas grill, and small fire pit? Or do you want to bring a little of the indoors out with a complete outdoor kitchen? You can add a water feature such as a fountain or a spa to make your space a sanctuary to escape to after a rough day. It’s your vision and your space. Whatever you decide, your landscape designer will help make you dream a reality.

Now What?

The outdoor living spaces are complete and it’s exactly what you had in mind. So kick back and relax or invite some friends over to hang out. With the proper care and maintenance, your creation will be a source of pleasure for you and your family and help you make memories many years come.

Your landscape designer can teach you how to maintain outdoor space, but maybe you would rather let someone else take care of that. See if your landscape designer offers property management. Then all you have to do is enjoy!

Expert Outdoor Living Spaces

David Ash Landscaping offers a complete line of services including design, implementation, and maintenance.  With over three decades of experience, David Ash and his team are South Jersey's premium landscaping contractors. Built upon the principles of exceptional service, unequaled design, and skilled craftsmanship, expect nothing short of your vision. If you’re ready to collaborate, contact us. We look forward to partnering with you on your outdoor living spaces!


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