5 Tips to Create a Backyard Getaway

 In Outdoor Living Area

It's hard to think about Jersey Shore outdoor living designs when much of the ground is covered in snow. However, as the recent weather delights us with warmer temperatures, we are all reminded that spring is just around the corner. Keeping that in mind, here are some informative and creative tips to help you create a fabulous outdoor area this Spring.

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Tip 1. Dedicate an area

Jersey Shore outdoor living consists of anything that you can possibly imagine, from the subtle to the extraordinary. One of the best ways to begin designing an outdoor space is by seeing it as a room that you would decorate. Set aside an area and begin to visualize the space as if it were an indoor room. This establishes boundaries and makes it easier to define and work with.

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Tip 2. Establish a Purpose

Get back to basics and make a list of wants and absolute needs. Prioritize the ways in which you plan to use the outdoor living area the most. For instance, if you are planning on using it for outdoor reading and relaxing, you may want to consider something that provides some shade, such as a gazebo. This thought process will aid in maximizing your personal Jersey Shore outdoor living arrangement. A wants versus needs list should include everything that you are envisioning, from soup to nuts. This list will be helpful as you move ahead with development. Be sure to add the refurbishment and replacement of the items that you already have, such as patio furniture, grill, fire pits, etc.


Step 3. Landscape the boundaries

Try to imagine the walls of your area as the landscaping design features. Whether surrounding your space with garden beds or decorative shrubs, these create the boundaries of your room. It is always recommended to contact a reputable landscape contractor to help with the selection of plantings and additional elements. A qualified Jersey Shore outdoor living landscaper can bring experience, a full analysis of the area and make qualified suggestions. In many cases a landscape contractor can be more affordable than a Do-it-Yourself trial and error garden plan.

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Step 4. Create on a budget

Establishing a budget for your spring project is crucial for many households, but it is also very helpful. After establishing dedicated funds for the project, you can then begin to pick and choose the things that you listed on the wants versus needs list (refer to STEP 2). If you are considering building a structure made of wood, it is recommended that you complete this entire project at once. Adding on to wooden areas over time could result in discolored and mix-matched wood grains/colors due to environmental exposure, such as the sun. Begin by establishing the area with pavers, rocks or decking material and go from there.

5 Tips to Create a Backyard Getaway

Step 5. Consider the heart of the home

All across America, the heart of the home generally resides in the kitchen area. When creating a Jersey Shore outdoor living space, why not also incorporate this element? There are so many different styles and elements to incorporate to your backyard area:

-Grills and Stovetops

-Kegorators and wine coolers

-Countertops, cabinets and seating

-Outdoor appliances and sink/water supply

-Hot and cold storage

Always be sure to check local ordinances or contact a Jersey Shore Outdoor Living Professional before installing electricity or gas lines to your yard. To contact an outdoor living company or landscaper in South Jersey, click here.

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